Code of Conduct

All attendees, speakers, sponsors and volunteers at our gatherings are required to agree with the following code of conduct. Organisers will enforce this code, both in online group forums such as Meetup or Facebook, and throughout IRL events.

TL;DR: Be nice, be considerate, be respectful.

Our community must provide a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, class, disability, gender identity, physical appearance, race and ethnicity, religion and belief, sexual orientation, preferred operating system, programming language, or text editor.

A gathering shall be considered a ‘safe space’ where no-one is disadvantaged or discouraged from contributing, as long as they respect others’ ability to contribute. All members must be respectful and considerate of the contributions of others.

Discriminatory or harassing language and imagery are not appropriate for any part of our gatherings, including talks, workshops, Twitter, Slack, and other online forums.

A more explicit list:

Unacceptable behaviors include harassing, abusive, discriminatory, or derogatory conduct. Harassment includes: offensive comments; inappropriate use of sexual images; deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following; harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of talks or events; inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.


People violating these rules will be asked to leave the meetup and/or any future meetups, including group forums such as Slack, at the discretion of the organisers and those raising a concern.


If you need help, or would like to report an incident, please talk to us directly, contact the organisers, or Twitter DM in confidence:

Twitter: @CocoaHeadsBuch

Organizers: Marius Constantinescu | @marius_const (DMs open)

If you would like to volunteer as a help contact, please ask!

*Note: this code of conduct is adapted from Swift London, which is adapted from NSLondon, the Code of Conduct, the The Ada Initiative, and the Python Community Code of Conduct. If you would like to suggest amendments please do get in touch.